The Top 10 Most Common Thesis Defense Questions And Answers
One of the toughest phases a student has to cross for completing his/her graduation degree is to sit for a viva for their research papers. They are questioned, cross-questioned on their work and often the questions turn out to be difficult and dicey. In order to avert this situation, the best a student can do is prepare a list of thesis defense questions. This is quite tricky because you have no idea what your examiner may ask you. Although, there are a few common defense questions that are asked by the examiners in the viva examinations. If you want to know about them, you can try this site to get a checklist of the questions.
Preparing a list of thesis defense questions is very crucial because it enables the students to prepare for the bunch of questions they are going to answer. Often, we fail to devote any time for introspecting on what we may be asked in the Viva, and as a result, we end up not answering many questions. This automatically affects our overall marks. To avoid these situations, we have put together a list of top 10 Ph.D. defense questions and answers.
List of the top 10 common defense questions
- What are the contributions of your thesis? In what way does the research make an important contribution to the field of study?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of your research?
- Did you face any problem while conducting the work? How did you negate those problems?
- If you are told to redo your work, would you have done it differently?
- Why did you choose this particular method for your study? What are the alternative methods that can be used to do this particular study?
- What motivated you to take up this particular study? What was your research question or hypothesis?
- What are the major findings of your research project?
- What is the background research you did for your study?
- Why is your work original and authentic?
- What are the practical implications of your research?
These are the major questions you could be asked in your dissertation defense. You can discuss with your teacher regarding these questions and prepare beforehand on them. You can search on the internet where you will find a list of probable dissertation defense questions and their consecutive answers.